Too Much Cycling Cleat Float?


Can we have too much cycling cleat float?

  • how much float is necessary?
    • ~4-9° is generally more than enough
      • I have yet to see anyone with 20° of float actively while they pedal
      • there are pedal systems (Speedplay) that have much more than this even, and there are riders that do better with these types of pedals
        • Why?  because while they might use only a fraction of the float available, it's more about what's happening in those few degrees at the knee, hip and pelvis
          • having their 6 degrees of motion be completely uninhibited frees up the tibial torsion of the knee or an aspect of hip rotation that allows them to engage their hip extensors more effectively and keeps the quads from taking on too much of the work  that they didn't experience with other pedal systems, which keeps knee discomfort at a minimum
          • additionally, Speedplay pedals have some "play" in the cleat to pedal interface that's unique to them -- I sometimes refer to it as a pronation-type of motion as the cleat can tend to rock laterally and tilt slightly (so the outside of the foot lifts up minutely) especially as the cleat/spring engagement wears. This movement may be relieving in some riders.
          • BUT this freedom of movement (the float and the pronatory movement) has equal ability to hurt.  I've run into about an equal percentage of riders that this excess movement creates problems for.  They are often the opposite from a strength and stability standpoint to the riders it helps -- this troubles the riders who are perhaps too mobile or at least could benefit from more stability in their mechanics.
        • I find that the few people who benefit from this are those with a lot of restriction up the chain, especially into the hips and low back
    • I've had many clients come in ready to spend money on new pedals, but after testing we see that their cleat float is unlikely to be the cause of their problem since they are only using 2° of this motion and the solution comes from somewhere else